Cognitive-based regulation: selected literature
- Policymakers around the world are embracing behavioural science, The Economist, May 18th 2017
- A. Alemanno (2015), The Future of Behavioural Change: Balancing Public Nudging vs Private Nudging, 2nd AIM Lecture
- N. Rangone (2017), Tools for effective law: a focus on nudge and empowerment, in Concorrenza e Mercato, n. 24, p. 195-214
- A. Alemanno, A. Spina (2014), Nudging legally: On the checks and balances of behavioral regulation, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 12 (2), Oxford University Press and New York University School of Law, pp. 429-456
- N. Rangone and F. Di Porto, Cognitive-based regulation: new challenges for regulators? , in, n. 20/2013, p. 1-29
- A. Alemanno (2012), Nudging Healthy Lifestyles – Informing Regulatory Governance with Behavioural Research, in European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol. 3, No. 1
- G.A. Akerlof and R.J. Shiller (2009), Animal Spirits. How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
- L. Bovens (2008), The Ethics of Nudge, in Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology, 207 (Till Grune-Yanoff & Sven Ove Hansson eds.)
- Bovens (2012), Real Nudge, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1, 43
- B. Bower, Nudge Backlash: Steering people's decisions with simple tactics can come with a downside, March 18, 2017, issue of Science News
- F. Di Porto and N. Rangone (2015), Behavioural Sciences in Practice: Lessons for EU Policymakers, in A. Alemanno and A.-L. Sibony (eds), Nudge and the Law: A European Perspective?, Oxford, Hart Publishing, pp. 29-59
- T. Grüne-Yanoff and R. Hertwig, Nudge versus boost: How coherent are policy and theory?, 2016, vol. 26, n. 1-2, Minds and Machines, 149 ff.
- D. Halpern (2015), Inside the Nudge Unit. How Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference
- J.S. Lourenço et al. (2016), Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy
- P. Lunn (2014), Regulatory Policy and Behavioural Economics, OECD
- A. Oliver (2013), Behavioural public policy (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2013
- D. Kahneman and A. Tversky, Prospect theory: an analysis of decision under risk, Vol. 47, Number 2, 1979, p. 263 ss.
- R. Korobkin (2003), Bounded Rationality, Standard Form Contracts, and Unconscionability, 70 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1203
- R.H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein (2003), Libertarian Paternalism. 93 The Am. Econ. Rev. 175
- R.H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein (2003), Libertarian Paternalism Is Not an Oxymoron 70 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1
- Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein (2008), Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Yale University Press
- A. Tversky and D. Kahneman (1974), Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, in Sciences, Vol. 185, n. 4157, p. 1124 ss.;
- A. Tversky and D. Kanemann (1981), The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice, 211 Science, 453-458
- P.W. Schultz, J.M. Nolan, R.B. Cialdini, N.J. Goldstein, and V. Griskevicius (2007), The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms, in Psychological Science, Vol. 18, n. 5, p. 249 ss.
- H.A. Simon (1999,4th ed.), Administrative Behavior
- H.A. Simon (1955), A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice, 69 Q. J. Econ. 99
- H.A. Simon (1979), Rational Decision Making in Business Organizations, 69 Am. Econ. Rev. 493
- R. Sugden (2016), Do people really want to be nudged towards healthylifestyles?
- C.R. Sunstein (2011), Empirically Informed Regulation, 78 Univ. of Chicago L. Rev. 1349
- C.R. Sunstein (2012), Impersonal Default Rules vs Active Choices vs Personalized Default Rules: A Triptych
- C.R. Sunstein (2011), Humanizing Cost-Benefit Analysis, 1 Eur. J. of Risk Regulation 3
- C.R. Sunstein (2013), Simpler. The future of Government
- C.R. Sunstein and L.A. Reisch (2016) (eds), The Economics of Nudge (Critical Concepts in Economics)
- Cass R. Sunstein,The ethics of influence: Government in the age of behavioral science, Cambridge University Press 2016
- see also:
Good Regulation and Public Policies Evaluation: selected literature
- E. Golberg (2018), ‘Better Regulation’: European Union Style, M-RCBG Associate Working Paper Series | No. 98
- C. Radaelli (2018), Half-way through the better regulation strategy of the Juncker Commission: what does the evidence say?, JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 56, 85-95
- Symposium on Effective Law and Regulation (2018), EJRR, Volume 9 - Issue 3
- N. Rangone, Making law effective: behavioural insights into compliance, in European Journal of Risk Regulation, 3/2018, p. 484-501
- N. Rangone (2016), Techniques for improving the quality of procedural rules, in J.-B. Auby and T. Perroud, Droit comparé de la procédure administrative/Comparative Law of Administrative Procedure, Bruylant, p. 447-464
- J. W. Singer (2015), No Freedom without Regulation. The Hidden Lesson of the Subprime Crisis, Yale Univ Press
- N. Rangone (2015), La valutazione delle politiche pubbliche nella riforma del Senato tra tecnica e politica, in Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale, n. 187/188, p. 73-91
- S. Smismans (2015), Policy Evaluation in the EU: The Challenge of Linking Ex Ante and Ex Post Appraisal, European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 6-26
- S. Cassese (2013), La qualità delle politiche pubbliche, ovvero del metodo nel governare, in, pp. 1-8
- R. Baldwin at al. (2012), Understanding Regulation (2nd ed.)
- N. Rangone (2012), The Quality Of Regulation. The Myth And Reality Of Good Regulation Tools, Italian Journal of Public Law, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 92-121
- J. Black and R. Baldwin (2010), Very Responsive Risk-based Regulation, in Law and Policy, Vol. 32, n. 2
- H. Xanthaki (2011), Quality of legislation: an achievable universal concept or a utopian pursuit?, in M. T. Almeida (ed.), Quality of Legislation, Nomos, Baden Baden, pp. 75-85
- M. De Benedetto, M. Martelli, N. Rangone (2010), La qualità delle regole, Il Mulino
- M. Lodge and K. Wegrich (2009), High-Quality Regulation: Its Popularity, Its Tools and Its Future, Public Money & Management, 29, 3, 145–52
- W. Voermans (2009), Concern about the quality of EU legislation: what kind of problem, by what kind of standards?, Erasmus Law Review, Vol. 2, n. 1, pp. 59-95J. B. Wiener (2006), Better Regulation in Europe, Duke Law School Working Paper Series, n. 65
- C.M. Radaelli and A. Meuwese (2009), Better Regulation in Europe: Between Public Management and Regulatory Reform, Public Administration, Vol. 87, n. 3, pp. 639-654.
- C.M. Radaelli (2008), How Context Matters: Regulatory Quality in the European Union, Paper presented for PSA Conference, Lincoln
- J. Torriti (2008), Does the Impact Assessment on the ‘Third Package’ provide the correct economic forecast for the liberalisation of the EU energy markets? EUI Working Paper, Florence, European University Institute
- R. Baldwin (2005), Is better regulation smarter regulation? Public Law, 485
- C. Kirkpatrick and D. Parker (2007), Regulatory Impact Assessment Towards Better Regulation?, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing
- E. Bardach and R. Kagan (2003), Going by the Book: The Problem of Regulatory Unreasonableness, New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers
- S. Cassese (2002), Dalle regole del gioco al gioco con le regole, in Mercato Concorrenza e Regole, vol. 2, p. 265 ss.
- A. La Spina and G.D. Majone (2000), Lo stato regolatore, Bologna, Il Mulino
- A. La Spina (2000), L’analisi d’impatto della regolazione: i caratteri distintivi, le tecniche, la ricezione in Italia, Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell’Amministrazione n. 4 , pp. 11-17
- G. Majone (1990), Deregulation or re-regulation? Regulatory reform in Europe and the United States, Pinter Publisher, London, St. Martin’s Press, New York
- S. Breyer (1982), Regulation and its reform
Regulatory Impact Assessment: selected literatures
- C. Cecot, R. Hahn, A. Renda, L. Schrefler, An Evaluation of the Quality of Impact Assessment in the European Union with Lessons for the U.S. and the EU, AEI-Brookings Joint Center For Regulatory Studies, Working Paper, Washington, D.C., December 2007
- F. Cacciatore, F. Salvi (eds), L'Analisi di impatto e gli strumenti per la qualità della regolazione. Annuario 2014, Osservatorio AIR, 2015, pp. 8-135.
- F. De Francesco (2013), Transnational Policy Innovation: The OECD and the Diffusion of Regulatory Impact Analysis, Colchester: ECPR Press
- S.H. Jacobs (1997), An overview of Regulatory Impact Analysis in OECD Countries, in OECD Regulatory Impact Analysis: Best Practices in OECD Countries, Paris, OECD Publications, 1997
- R.W. Hahn, J.K. Burnett, I. Yee-Ho Chan, E.A. Mader, P.R. Moyle (2000), Assessing the Quality of Regulatory Impact Analyses, WP n.1, AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, Washington, D.C.
- R.W. Hahn and J. Hird (1991), The Costs and Benefits of Regulation: Review and Synthesis, Yale Journal on Regulation 8, pp. 233-278
- K. Jacob, J. Heriton, et al. (2008), Improving the Practice of Impact Assessment, Evaluating Integrated Impact Assessment (EVIA Project), Final report
- C.A. Dunlop and C.M. Radaelli (2016), eds, Handbook of Regulatory Impact Assessment, University of Exeter, UK, Edward Elgar
- Posner, Eric A. and Sunstein, Cass R., Moral Commitments in Cost-Benefit Analysis (March 8, 2017). University of Chicago Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper No. 802; U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 620.
- Pelkmans J., Labory S., Majone G. (2000), Better EU regulatory quality: assessing current initiatives and new proposals, in Regulatory reform and competitiveness in Europe: Horizontal issues (Galli and Pelkmans. eds), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham
- C.M. Radaelli (2001), Regulatory impact analysis in comparative prospective, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- C.M. Radaelli (2004), The diffusion of regulatory impact analysis: Best practice or lesson-drawing?, European Journal of Political Research, 43(5), p.723 ss.
- C.M. Radaelli (2005), What Does Regulatory Impact Assessment Mean in Europe?, Related Publication 05-02, Washington, D.C., AEI-Brooking Joint Centre for Regulatory Studies
- C.M. Radaelli (2007), Does Regulatory Impact Assessment make institutions think?, Governing the European Union: Policy instruments in a multi-level polity, Paris
- C. M. Radaelli, F. De Francesco (2007), Regulatory Impact Assessment, Political Control and the Regulatory State, in Paper Delivered to the 4th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Pisa, Italy
- N. Rangone, New Frontiers for Competition Advocacy and the Potential Role of Competition Impact Assessment, F. Di Porto and J. Drexel (a cura di), Competition Law as Regulation, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, 2015, pp. 118-150, ISBN: 978-1-78347-258-1 (SSRN)
- A. Renda (2006), EU Impact Assessment: the State of the Art and the Art of the State, CEPS, Brussels
- J. Torriti (2007), (Regulatory) Impact Assessments in the European Union: a tool for better regulation, less regulation or less bad regulation? Journal of Risk Research, n. 2, pp. 239-276
- Schrefler,L. G. Luchetta and F. Simonelli (2015) "A New Tool in the Box? The Cumulated Cost Assessment", European Journal of Risk Regulation 1/2015, pp. 68-78
- Van Golen and S. van Voorst, S. (2016) "Towards a Regulatory Cycle? The Use of Evaluative Information in Impact Assessments and Ex-Post Evaluations in the European Union" European Journal of Risk and Regulation 7(2): 388-403
- Zwaan, P, S. van Voorst, and E. Mastenbroek (2016) “Ex-post legislative evaluation in the European Union: Questioning the usage of evaluations as instruments for accountability” International Review of Administrative Sciences, 82(4): 674-693
- Schrefler, L. (2017) Evaluation in the European Commission: Rolling check-list and state of play, Brussels, EPRS
- S.E. Dudley and B.F. Mannix (2018), Improving regulatory cost-benefit analysis, Journal of Law 2 & Politics, Vol. XXXIV:1
- S. Shapiro (2018), Can Analysis of Policy Decisions Spur Participation?, Journal of Cost-benefit analysis, Vol 9, Issue 3 pp. 435-461
- Alan Krupnick, Arthur G. Fraas, Justine Huetteman, and Isabel Echarte (2018), The Economics of Regulatory Repeal and Six Case Studies. Should regulations stay or should they go? RFF researchers conducted cost-benefit analyses of six regulations generating industry complaints, Resources for the future, Nov. 6
Regulatory and Administrative Burdens Measurement: selected literature
- H. Kaufman (1977), Red Tape – Its Origins, Uses and Abuses, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution
- W. Funk (1987), The Paperwork Reduction Act: paperwork reduction meets administrative law, Harvard Journal on Legislation, 24 (1), 1–27
- B. Bozeman (2000), Bureaucracy and Red Tape, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
- L. Cavallo, F. Coco, M. Martelli (2008), Evaluating administrative burdens through SCM: some indications from Italian experience, SCM Network website
- D. Helm (2006), Regulatory reform, capture, and the regulatory burden, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22 (2), 169–85.
- C. Radaelli (2007), Reflections on the political economy of the 'war on red tape’, Legislação, Cadernos de Ciência de Legislação, 45, 25–33
- C. Radaelli (2007), Cracking down on administrative burdens, Federalismi
- J. Torriti (2007), The standard cost model: when better regulation fights against red tape. Better regulation, in S. Weatherill (ed.), Better Regulation. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 83–106
- K. Wegrich (2009), The administrative burden reduction policy boom in Europe: comparing mechanisms of policy diffusion, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics, Discussion Paper n. 52
- S. Shapiro (2011), The Paperwork Reduction Act: Research on Current Practices and Recommendations for Reform, Report to the Administrative Conference of the United States
- J. Torriti (2012), Standard cost model: three different paths and their common problems, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 8 (1), 90–108
- P. Coletti, C. Radaelli (2013), Economic Rationales, learning and regulatory instruments, Public Administration Journal, vol. 91, issue 4, p. 1056- 1079: doi:10.1111/padm.12006
- Renda, A. (2017) Introducing EU reduction targets on regulatory costs: A feasibility study, Brussels, Ceps
- D. Trnka, Y. Thuerer (2019), ONE-IN, X-OUT. Regulatory offsetting in selected OECD countries, OECD Regulatory Policy Working Papers
Expermental approach to regulation
- D. Friedman and S. Sunder, Experimental Methods. A Primer for Economists, Cambridge, 1994
- F. Guala, The Methodology of Experimental Economics, Cambridge, 2005
- A.S. Gerber and D.P. Green, Field experiments: Design, analysis, and interpretation, WW Norton, 2012
- Dhami, Sanjit, The foundations of behavioral economic analysis. Oxford University Press, 2016
Legal Drafting (selected literature)
- G.E. Hart (2016), State Legislative Drafting Manuals and Statutory Interpretation, Yale Law Journal, Vol. 126, issue 2,
- H. Xanthaki (2014), Drafting Legislation: Art and Technology of Rules for Regulation, Hart
- M. Mousmouti (2014), Effectiveness as an Aspect of Quality of EU Legislation: is it feasible?, in The Theory and Practice of Legislation, vol. 2, n. 3
- H. Xantaki (2013), Legislative drafting: a new sub-discipline of law is born, IALS Student Law Review | Volume 1, Issue 1
- R. Zaccaria (2011), ed., La buona scrittura delle leggi,
- E. Tanner (2006), Clear, Simple, and Precise Legislative Drafting: How Does a European Community Directive Fare?, Statute Law Review, vol 27, issue 3, p. 150 ss
Clinical education
- F. Carnelutti, Clinica del diritto, Riv. dir. proc. civ., I, 1935
- S. Wizner, The law school clinic: legal education in the interests of justice, Fordham Law Review, vol. 70, 2002
- A. Alemanno, Lobbying for Change. Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society, 2017