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EU Approach to Better Regulation


1. The foundation of regulation and its reform

The rise of the regulatory state in Europe, G. Majone, in West European Politics, 17: 3,1994  77 —101

Is better regulation smarter regulation?, R. Baldwin, in Public Law, 2005, 485

Half-way through the better regulation strategy of the Juncker Commission: what does the evidence say?, C. Radaelli JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 2018, 56, 85-95

The myth and reality of good quality regulation tools, N. Rangone, in Italian Journal of Public Law, vol. 4, issue 1, 2012, p. 1-30

2. Cognitive sciences for effective regulation

The Emergence of Behavioural Policy-Making: A European Perspective A. Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony, Nudge and the Law: A European Perspective, Hart Publishing, 2015

Nudging: a very short guide, C.R. Sunstein, in 37 J. Consumer Pol'y 583, 2014

Behavioural Sciences in Practice: Lessons for EU Policymakers N. Rangone and F. Di Porto, A. Alemanno and A.-L. Sibony (a cura di), Nudge and the Law: A European Perspective?, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2015, p. 29-59

Tools for effective law: a focus on nudge and empowerment, N. Rangone in Concorrenza e Mercato, n. 24/2017, p. 195-214

Nudging Legally – On the Checks and Balances of Behavioural Regulation, A. Alemanno, Int. Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 12, 2, 2014

Sector specific analysis

Nudging Healthy Lifestyles – Informing Regulatory Governance with Behavioural Research A. Alemanno European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2012

Using Behavioral Ethics to Reduce Organizational Misconduct, Yuval Feldman, 2017

 A Behavioural Approach to Administrative Corruption Prevention, in A. Cerrillo i Martínez and J. Ponce, eds, Preventing Corruption and Promoting Good Government and Public Integrity, Bruyland, 2017, p. 69-99

3. Better Regulation Tools in the Regulatory Life-cycle

Techniques for improving the quality of procedural rules, in J.-B. Auby and T. Perroud, Droit comparé de la procédure administrative/Comparative Law of Administrative Procedure, Bruylant, 2016, p. 447-464

3.1 Impact Assessment
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Regulation, A. Renda, L. Schrefler, G. Luchetta, R. Zavatta 12 March 2014

Explaining the content of impact assessment in the United Kingdom: Learning across time, sectors, and departments, Fritsch, O., Kamkhaji, J. C., & Radaelli, C. M., Regulation and Governance, 11 (4), 2017, 325-342

Impact Assessment in the European Union: Lessons from a Research Project, Claire A. Dunlop and Claudio M. Radaelli, in EJRR 1|2015, p. 27 ss.

Cost-Benefit Analysis and EU Policy: Limits and Opportunities, Andrea Renda, in Sacha Garben, Inge Govaere (eds), The EU Better Regulation Agenda. A Critical Assessment, 2018, Hart Publishing

3.2 Competition Impact Assessment

New Frontiers for Competition Advocacy and the Potential Role of Competition Impact Assessment, N. Rangone, in Competition Law as Regulation, F. Di Porto and J. Drexel eds, Edward Elgar, 2015, p. 118-150

3.3 Regulatory burdens measurement

Introducing EU Reduction Targets on Regulatory Costs: A Feasibility Study, Andrea Renda, CEPS Publications, 2017

3.4 Drafting

Quality of legislation: an achievable universal concept or a utopian pursuit?, H. Xanthaki, in M. T. Almeida (ed.), Quality of Legislation, Nomos, Baden Baden, 2011, pp. 75-85

The “effectiveness test” as a tool for law reform, M. Mousmouti, in IALS Student Law Review, Vol. 2, 1, 2014

3.5 Enforcement

Effective regulatory delivery: is "more" always "better"?, F. Blanc, in European Journal of Risk Regulation, 3/2018 (available under request)

Making law effective: behavioural insights into compliance, N. Rangone, in European Journal of Risk Regulation, 3/2018, p. 484-501

OECD (2018), OECD Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections Toolkit, OECD Publishing, Paris

3.6 Sector specific analysis

The legal framework to address “fake news”: Possible policy actions at the EU level, A. Renda, 2 July 2018


Closing Lecture 2019: A. Nicita (commissioner of theItalian regulator for Electronic communication) Fake news, Big Data and Regulation

Opening Lecture 2018: R. Baldwin (LSE London) Good Excellent and Smart Regulation

Closing lecture 2018: C. Radaelli (UCL London) Contestation and Controversial Impact Assessments

Key note speech 20018: A. Renda (CEEPS Bruxelles) Regulatory Impact Assessement

Key note speech 2017: A. Alemanno (HEC and NYU) Like Style Risk Regulation